AFIS SA conducts an open competition with a call for expression of interest and the purpose of cooperation and the conclusion of a two-year contract for the purchase of advertising time and space on its behalf in the online media and television channels. The concept of the new AFIS advertising campaign with the communication message “Make battery recycling a habit” and campaign slogan “Did you get batteries?” belongs to the advertising company ADMINE, where the same company edited the creative. The filming of the TV spot will be done by the company TOPCUT MODIANO.

Target group

Adults aged 18-45 nationwide (core)


The object of the competition is the purchase of advertising time and space in the Mass Media on behalf of AFIS. The campaign is scheduled to start on 3/5/2022.

With a high density of collection bins nationwide, the purpose of the communication is to build the habit so that when everyone leaves their home, they remember to take their used batteries for recycling. Therefore, the aim of the campaign is to reinforce the message. By using television, the aim is to achieve optimal coverage (Reach@75%), while through digital, the primary goal is additional audience coverage (young and working) and secondarily engagement.

For the indicative projection plan in the first year, the estimated GRP’s, Reach@F1+ & CPR of each burst should be reported for TV channels and for digital the estimated views. Bursts are listed below:

1st Burst: 3/5 – 9/6/2022 (TV & Digital)

2nd Burst: 10/9 – 17/10/2022 (TV & Digital)

3rd Burst: 28/11 – 28/12/2022 (TV & Digital)

4th Burst: 1/16 – 2/28/2023 TV

23/1 – 31/3/2023 Digital

Please note that the duration of the full version TVC will be 40 seconds and the cut version 20 seconds, while the kid version lasting 20 seconds will be shown in the children’s zone in the 3rd burst.


The advertising expenditure for the first year is €700,000 (€500,000 for spending on television media and €200,000 in digital with a possible redistribution of the mix of €20,000) including the Media shop fee.

It is estimated that for the second year of the collaboration the relevant costs will rise to the same level, i.e. €700,000.


2.1 Legal entities with experience in the market of advertising time and space, as well as a sound financial position, have the right to participate in the Competition.

2.2 The participants in the competition must send an offer by post in a sealed envelope to the offices of AFIS SA (LEOFOROS PENTELIS 54, Attn. Ms. Niki Katsiou) by 12/4/2022 (deadline) at 5:00 p.m.

2.3 After the selected advertising companies have been informed by 14/04/2022, they will be invited to present their proposals on 18 or 19/4/2022. Their presentation, lasting 1 hour, will take place online or in person at AFIS offices.


The tender envelope must include:

  • Financial Offer (pay & YEB)
  • Indicative Projection Plan

Offers that do not include the above will be rejected.


The offers are valid and binding to the offerors thirty (30) days from the closing date of submission of the offers.


The selection of the Contractor will be made by AFIS S.A. after an overall evaluation of the bid file, which must include the items mentioned in section 3. A 2-year cooperation agreement will be signed between AFIS and the Contractor. Payment of the Contractor’s invoices will be made by depositing into his Bank Account, within 90 days from the end of the month of issue of the relevant invoice.


In the context of this Contest, AFIS, as the Processor, may collect personal data of the participants and their partners, such as identity information, contact information, VAT number, professional activity information, which are necessary for the contest. AFIS takes all the necessary measures and takes care of the legitimate and legal collection and processing of personal data as well as their safe keeping in accordance with the provisions of the General Personal Data Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and the more specific regulatory framework of its application , preserving the privacy and confidentiality of any information that comes to its knowledge.

Contest participants declare that they have been informed a) of the registration of their personal information, and the details of the file that they will present as part of their participation in the contest in a file that will be kept with them, b) of their processing, in accordance with provisions of the legislative and regulatory framework regarding the protection of personal data, as applicable from time to time, by AFIS and/or by third parties that cooperate with it for the conduct of the Competition, exclusively and solely for the purpose of the (Competition), as well as c ) for publicizing the result of the competition. The participants in the competition undertake the responsibility that, in relation to the third-party data contained in the nomination file, they have ensured compliance with the provisions of the current legal framework, especially with regard to informing and securing the consent of the subjects.

AFIS may use the personal information to communicate with the participants in the Contest and inform them about issues related to it as well as to submit potential cooperation proposals to them. The data in question may be transmitted within the framework of the Competition and to third parties cooperating with AFIS, to the extent that this is necessary in the context of the Competition for purposes linked exclusively to the processing of the Competition, such as indicatively to lawyers, company consultants, IT managers, supervising Public Authority (Hellenic Recycling Organization EOAN). AFIS maintains and processes the personal data of the participants during the Competition and after its completion for the period defined by the applicable legal and regulatory framework.

Finally, after verifying their identity, participants have the right to access their personal data, the right to request the correction of any inaccurate personal data or their completion, as well as, if the conditions of the regulatory framework are met, to exercise the rights: deletion, restriction of processing, portability of their data, opposition to their processing, as well as ensuring human intervention in automated procedures.

The personal data provided to AFIS in the context of this will not be used for commercial purposes, for sending advertising material, for conducting market research or for interactive commercial communication.

In order to exercise their above rights, participants may submit their request in writing to the person in charge of Processing AFIS A.E – LEOF. PENTELIS 54 – PC 15235 – VRILISSIA – TEL. 2108030244, 2108030355, email:



P.C. : 152 35 VRILISSIA

Tel. : 210 8030244


