1. Contest Organizer

The company with the name “COLLECTIVE SYSTEM OF ALTERNATIVE MANAGEMENT OF PORTABLE ELECTRICAL POLES SA” with d.t. “A.F.I.S. SA” which is based in Vrilissia Attica (Leoforos Pentelis 54 PC 152 35) and is the body approved by the state for the alternative management of portable battery waste, organizes the following competition entitled “E-ster” (hereinafter the “Competition”), with the following terms of participation (hereinafter the “Terms of Participation”).

Participation in the contest automatically and unconditionally constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Participation.

2. Competition Duration

The Competition will last until 25/4/2021 at 23:59. After the end of the Competition, participation is no longer possible and is not taken into account in the draw.

3. Rights and method of participation in the Contest

Anyone over the age of 18 can participate in the Competition. The participation of persons under the age of 18 is only possible with the presence of the person exercising parental care to provide consent for participation. AFIS employees as well as their spouses and relatives up to the first degree (by blood and not) are excluded.

Participation in the Competition is done by entering the contact details after the successful completion of the games on our page https://afis.gr/mr-batt-world/. Entering the contact information upon completion of the games automatically constitutes participation in the Contest.

4. Contest Prize

There are three contest prizes:

• First winner: wins Mediarange Wireless Keyboard And Mouse Combo Highline Series.

• Second Winner: At Games Console Space Invaders Flashback Blast!

• Third Winner: 16-Bit Handheld With 788 Games 8718

The gift is specific and non-exchangeable, nor can it be requested to be replaced with another or redeemed for cash or other gifts. The Contest Winner can receive their prize within 15 days of being nominated.

5. Draw – Selection of Winner

AFIS gathers all the entries that have been registered in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3. For the selection of the winners of the Competition, there will be one (1) Monday 26/4/2021 in the presence of Athens lawyer Vassiliki Tsonou.

In the event that it is impossible to hold the draw on the day specified above, AFIS reserves the right to change the day of the draw, having previously made a relevant announcement setting the new day of the draw.

6. Notification of Winners – Procedure for receipt of gift

The winners will be notified by email and/or by phone on Monday 4/26/2021.

7. Modification of Terms – Gifts

AFIS reserves the right for reasonable cause to change the terms and the prize, to postpone or cancel the Competition and the draw, without any prior warning. In this case, AFIS will not be under any obligation for any compensation to the lucky winner, who will be selected from the lottery in question.

8. Limitation of liability of AFIS

AFIS, its employees and managers bear absolutely no responsibility, to the extent that exclusion of liability is permitted by law, for any direct, indirect, moral, positive or other kind of damage arising from or connected to the realization of the specific Competition .

9. Personal Data

In the context of this Competition, “A.F.I.S. SA, Leoforos Pentelis 54, Vrilissia, PC 152 35, TEL. 210 8030244 & 210 8030355, email: info@afis.gr as Data Processor, may collect personal data (e.g. name, email address, phone number) of the participants in the competition which are necessary for the competition. AFIS takes all the necessary measures and takes care of the legitimate and legal collection and processing of personal data as well as their safe keeping in accordance with the provisions of the General Personal Data Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and the more specific regulatory framework of its application , preserving the privacy and confidentiality of any information that comes to its knowledge.

Participants in the Competition declare that they have been informed about the registration and processing of their personal data and the posting of their data (first and last name) in case they are drawn as Winners. AFIS may use the personal information to communicate with Contest participants and inform them of issues related to it. The data in question may be transmitted in the context of the Competition and to third parties collaborating with AFIS, to the extent that this is necessary in the context of the Competition for purposes related exclusively to the processing of the Competition. AFIS processes the personal data of the participants throughout the duration of the Competition and after its completion for the period of time defined by the applicable legal and regulatory framework. The personal data collected and processed in the context of the competition will not be used for advertising purposes.

For information about the Competition, those interested can contact AFIS at 2108030244 & 2108030355, Contact: Salomi Diakrousi.
